Diversity Series: De-Constructing Bias

Diversity Series: De-Constructing Bias

This session is part of our ongoing series that focuses on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

In today’s round-table session, we will be focusing on “DeConstructing Bias” in the recruiting process.

Key topics…

1) Types of Bias (Implicit vs. Complicit) 
2) Unconscious Bias Training: Yay or Nay?
3) How to Neutralize the Interview Process

Voluntary Pre-Work:  https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

Listen in on what our panelists have to say.

This event is part of the “Let’s Talk Recruiting” series where a panel of recruiting practitioners get together online and have a conversation on a variety of topics related to corporate recruiting.

Click to Play the Recording

Our Panelists…

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We asked our attendees, “Do you have a tip that you can give for helping recruiters manage a large req load?”

Here are their answers:

Chat Messages from the Session…

10:02:25 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : Hi Everyone!

10:09:54 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : Most effective training method

10:09:57 >> From  Catherine Hansen : @Corinne, who put together the content for this training>

10:10:01 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Was this HR?

10:10:07 >> From  Sean Rehder : For the audience…can you text a “yes’ if you are “bias” training at your company?

10:10:14 >> From  Joe Lorono : Yes

10:10:18 >> From  mercheley beuns   to   All panelists : yes

10:10:27 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Yes

10:10:55 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : Yes

10:10:58 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : oh yes

10:11:29 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : yes

10:11:34 >> From  Paul Jentlie   to   All panelists : I would have but got laid off before it happened

10:11:38 >> From  Rahul Dhawan : We have mostly focused on hiring manager

unconscious bias.  Could Corinne talk specifically on the recruiter specific training on this?

10:19:16 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : Has anyone considered that folks who have been on the receiving end of biases, could very well also have biases about the people who have biases against them?

10:23:15 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Panelists: Who leads this unbiased initiative?  HR/TA or the CEO?  What have you found to be more effective?

10:23:49 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : It has to be everyone

10:24:10 >> From  Bez Rengifo : True…but someone has to lead it and own it.

10:24:54 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : Our Chief Diversity Officer does, she sits in HR

10:24:55 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Yes! Great idea

10:25:27 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Hiring manager conversations where overt biases are present can be painful

10:25:45 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Great Jonelle, but does the CEO actively support and champion it from what you have observed?

10:26:16 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : Yes

10:26:17 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Or better yet, how have you seen the CEO champion and support it.

10:26:22 >> From  Bez Rengifo : ?

10:26:39 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : We are a small company, doing low amounts of hiring.. what data can I bring to that meeting, to initiate the convo about improving diversity?

10:26:54 >> From  May Macaria : Having a leadership sponsor is also critical to drive this for it to not only impact the recruiting, but also the culture once someone is hired

10:26:54 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Thx for engaging Jonelle.

10:27:04 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : One thing I’ve focused on is improving the diversity of EVERYONE’s network… BEFORE we need to hire…

10:27:06 >> From  Jonelle Wilson : There was a segment on our company Town Hall made by him after the riots this summer

10:29:29 >> From  Bez Rengifo : May Marcaria…yes you are correct.  It goes deep down to the fiber of culture within the company.  Way before recruiting but very important to TA.

10:29:39 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : To the manager who won’t hire a man with a pony tail, you say:  I’m going to do my best work for you, and help you hire THE BEST CANDIDATE, without regard to irrelevant information, like pony tails, man-buns, gender and skin color…

10:31:05 >> From  Stacey Kramer : Ageism seems to be an ongoing and growing concern. Can you discuss?

10:31:40 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Genevieve, this can be challenging in small companies as they are in the infancy of developing culture, however, it may be a great opportunity to help set it.  What you are doing does matter and sometimes we have to start there and go up.  Keep up the good work 🙂

10:32:31 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : @Bez Rengifo – thank you!

10:32:33 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : I get that all the time!!!

10:33:03 >> From  Catherine Hansen : I just had that “order” the other day….very true/common.

10:33:11 >> From  Joe Lorono : Craig – please talk more about that course correction?

10:33:20 >> From  Catherine Hansen : +1

10:33:22 >> From  John Sullivan : +1

10:33:23 >> From  Chantell Cooper   to   All panelists : +1

10:33:23 >> From  Dan Cadigan : +1

10:33:24 >> From  Joe Sorrow   to   All panelists : +1

10:33:24 >> From  Louann Keaveny : +1

10:33:24 >> From  Tracey Anderson : +1

10:33:25 >> From  Wahoo Fitness : =1

10:33:25 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : y es

10:33:26 >> From  Bez Rengifo : +1

10:33:26 >> From  Stacey Kramer : +1

10:33:27 >> From  Katherine Jackson   to   All panelists : +1

10:33:30 >> From  Joe Lorono : =+1

10:33:30 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : +1

10:33:31 >> From  Yolanda Dosier   to   All panelists : +1

10:33:37 >> From  Wahoo Fitness : =1

10:33:43 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : they say they want a woman in the role or a diverse male

10:33:47 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : or person of color

10:33:52 >> From  Catherine Hansen : YES, a company effort echo’ed across all functions

10:33:56 >> From  Bez Rengifo : But this should go far beyond recruiting.  Should be an enterprise level effort.

10:34:07 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Great question @Christina Shareef.

10:34:16 >> From  Wahoo Fitness : WE have a D&I team an we have buy in from the CIO

10:34:46 >> From  Louann Keaveny : Pres and SLT need to ne involved

10:35:32 >> From  Bez Rengifo : @Corinne Wilsey, great effort in fixing the pay equity issue.  Very true and relevant 🙂

10:38:07 >> From  Craig Campbell   to   All panelists : @JoeLorono it depends on the statement but if the hiring manager is asking you to go find X demographic in an exclusive vs inclusive context,…course correct on the fact that its not legal and give them the repositioning language of “it sounds like you want to ensure we have an inclusive and diverse slate of candidates” and then proceed to educate them on how that approach is embedded in your process. Step Two: this person has now opened the door to their responsibilities to make sure that the process and/or behaviors not working against that objective

10:38:54 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Exactly Dan

10:39:17 >> From  Bez Rengifo : @Christina Shareef, you bring up a good point.  Should be led by CEO and their designee to lead and own those efforts but you have to couple this with true continuous “community engagement” year after year after year in those communities.

10:40:18 >> From  Craig Campbell : @JoeLorono it depends on the statement but if the hiring manager is asking you to go find X demographic in an exclusive vs inclusive context,…course correct on the fact that its not legal and give them the repositioning language of “it sounds like you want to ensure we have an inclusive and diverse slate of candidates” and then proceed to educate them on how that approach is embedded in your process. Step Two: this person has now opened the door to their responsibilities to make sure that the process and/or behaviors are not working against that objective (e.g. help me help you)

10:41:51 >> From  Bez Rengifo : @Stacey Kramer…so true that ageism is so prevalent.  I’d love to discuss that.  What have you’ve seen and what can you share your organization has done to address that?

10:45:34 >> From  Bez Rengifo : @Craig Campbell – true with systems.  You have to look at your systems and data to share a narrative and unpack it to start addressing it.

10:46:35 >> From  May Macaria : Yes- Craig! Love using Data, even if it was in an excel, or Power BI or ATS, this helps build credibility and shows the impact to the business and identify where gaps are occurring. Yah to Data! 

10:47:11 >> From  Stacey Kramer : @Bez unfortunately the firms I worked for did not have processes to address bias which was frustrating. I had to figure out how I would deal with it from a personal level and am still learning.

10:47:56 >> From  Catherine Hansen : My hiring managers tend to note “low energy” in interview notes when talking to candidates over ~40. Ageism is definitely happening

10:48:18 >> From  Louann Keaveny : Agree

10:48:53 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Yes, prevalent in tech and fashion

10:48:58 >> From  Bez Rengifo : @Stacey, you are on the right track.  Even big firms can be all over the place with their processes.  Keep up with your journey.  All of us are in healthy continuous cycle of learning or we wouldn’t be on this webinar.  Keep up the good work and share with us what you find 🙂

10:49:10 >> From  Joe Lorono : We hear “overqualified” a lot…

10:49:26 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : and HM’s want people to mesh with their current team- and they say they want someone who can join them for happy hour

10:49:41 >> From  Catherine Hansen : “Overqualified” yes

10:49:56 >> From  Stacey Kramer : @bez 🙂

10:50:23 >> From  Bez Rengifo : @Kristine…I have heard the same thing many times, but some of us don’t want to join our team for happy hour.  We just want to go home to our families.

10:50:30 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : Carefully define the job requirements; train team to interview to those

10:51:31 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Thank you all…I have learned a lot today.  I’ve picked up a few nuggets and for that I am grateful 🙂

10:51:36 >> From  Abigail Seitz   to   All panelists : as a military recruiter, gendered language and biased verbiage was a big thing we looked at last year.  we had great results in making small changes to our recruiting materials

10:52:18 >> From  Joe Lorono : I am truly grateful to each of the panelists for sharing of information and their experiences. 

10:52:21 >> From  yanin fucile   to   All panelists : we only retain 20% of a conversation

10:52:28 >> From  Catherine Hansen : +1

10:52:29 >> From  Joe Lorono : Thumbs up

10:52:29 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : Yes

10:52:29 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : do it

10:52:32 >> From  Stacey Kramer : Yes – do it

10:52:32 >> From  Katherine Jackson   to   All panelists : 100%

10:52:34 >> From  Joe Sorrow   to   All panelists : +1

10:52:36 >> From  Jean Sheehan   to   All panelists : Yes

10:52:38 >> From  Brad Mumpower   to   All panelists : Using third party tools for technical screening (we use Codility) can eliminate bias from the initial technical assessment portion. ie eliminating names from code submissions, alongside quantitative scoring.

10:52:41 >> From  Bez Rengifo : Yes 🙂

10:52:43 >> From  Yolanda Dosier   to   All panelists : Yes must be implemented

10:52:53 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : Thumbs up, and yes, part of a bigger whole

10:53:03 >> From  Louann Keaveny : This was so helpful thank you for your time!

10:53:53 >> From  Kristine Nemeth : thank you

10:53:54 >> From  Chantell Cooper   to   All panelists : Thank you!

10:53:57 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Thank you!

10:53:58 >> From  Yolanda Dosier   to   All panelists : Thank YOU!

10:53:59 >> From  Stacey Kramer : aesome

10:54:00 >> From  Sandra Maldonado : Thank you

10:54:01 >> From  Katherine Jackson   to   All panelists : Thank you!

10:54:01 >> From  Genevieve Crawford : Thank you, Panelists

Some of the attendees…

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