Optimizing Your Inclusive University Recruiting Efforts

Diversity Series: Optimizing Your Inclusive University Recruiting Efforts

In the second of our ongoing discussions regarding diversity in recruiting, we cover these items.

Optimizing Your Inclusive University Recruiting Efforts 
1) How to Create a Campus Recruiting Strategy
2) Maximizing Diversity Potential Within Current Schools
3) Partnering with HBCUs

Listen in on what our panelists have to say.

This event is part of the “Let’s Talk Recruiting” series where a panel of recruiting practitioners get together online and have a conversation on a variety of topics related to corporate recruiting.

Click to Play the Recording

Our Panelists…

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We asked our attendees, “What is one way that you would suggest to optimize your inclusive university recruiting efforts?”

Here are their answers:

Chat Messages from the Session…

10:05:11 >> From  Kara Wilson   to   All panelists : I’m also a happy Checkster customer if anyone has interest/questions!

10:08:14 >> From  Sean Rehder : Who in the audience has dedicated University Recruiting/Campus Relations team members?

10:08:22 >> From  Belina Pignataro   to   All panelists : what is HBCu exactly mean ??

10:08:43 >> From  Conor Duffy   to   Sean Rehder(Privately) : Historically Black Colleges & Universities

10:08:55 >> From  Conor Duffy : Historically Black Colleges & Universities

10:09:44 >> From  Essence Dashtaray : We do at ViacomCBS— I’m part of our Campus team focusing on internship and early career hiring

10:09:50 >> From  Daniella McDonald   to   All panelists : Two roles ago I managed a University Recruiting team – one manager, two-three recruiters

10:11:06 >> From  Richard Sherman : If we have time, I’d love to hear how panelists are connecting to HBCU and other colleges’ alumni. We hire very few entry level candidates generally, and so campus recruiting isn’t our thing typically. Thanks!

10:11:54 >> From  Kara Wilson   to   All panelists : I’m intrigued by the Zoom/UberEats Dinner idea. Was that well received?

10:12:16 >> From  Rachael Flores : We’ve actually partnered with BRAG (Black Retail Action Group) student chapters in bringing leaders to them for career panels/discussion

10:12:36 >> From  Ada Nunez : How instrumental is a relationship with career services on campuses?

10:12:42 >> From  Tracey Anderson   to   All panelists : Has anyone worked with the NAACP

10:12:47 >> From  Lalitta Ghandikota   to   All panelists : @Kara, the students loved the Ubereats gift card.  It was extremely well received, and super easy to set up the account.

10:12:50 >> From  Conor Duffy : Career Services is your bedt friend if used correctly.

10:14:02 >> From  Sean Rehder : Agreed, Conor.  I think you should connect with Career Services, but your success will be with you. 

10:15:12 >> From  Rachael Flores : Yes! agreed Conor! when we engaged with BRAG student chapter it was at Jefferson University, not an HBCU

10:15:31 >> From  Essence Dashtaray   to   All panelists : yes Conor! so many great HBCUs that don’t get tapped into and HSIs too

10:15:50 >> From  Rachael Flores : I think the stat is 80% of Black students are not at an HBCU

10:15:54 >> From  Lalitta Ghandikota   to   All panelists : WE love Norfolk State inVirginia

10:16:03 >> From  Sean Rehder : I recommend having a email newsletter  tool, like ConstantContact.com, to have students and new grads be able to sign up so you can keep long term relationships with them.  By long term, I mean 3-4 years after they graduate.  They are not expensive and you can “pipeline” talent by job categories

10:16:14 >> From  Lalitta Ghandikota   to   All panelists : Current stats say that only 8.5% of African Americans graduate from HBCUs.

10:18:43 >> From  Tracey Anderson   to   All panelists : This is  a great discussion!

10:19:08 >> From  Tracey Anderson   to   All panelists : Absolutely Christina

10:19:26 >> From  Jenny Truax : Great points, Conor.  I think the sororities/fraternities can be instrumental at ALL colleges.  The stat of 80% of black students NOT being at HBCUs should be highlighted.

10:21:25 >> From  Catherine Hansen : @John, I missed the name of this pay-to-post resource – could you repeat?

10:21:27 >> From  Belina Pignataro : by chance do any of u use Handshake platform that universities and employers use – if so any tips for that to maximize recruiting efforts ?

10:21:35 >> From  Daniella McDonald   to   All panelists : I have used LocalJobnetwork as well in my last two positions

10:22:08 >> From  Richard Sherman : LocalJobsNetwork, which is now called Circa

10:22:34 >> From  Stephanie Savitz : Attracting a diverse talent pool has been the “easy” part for companies I’ve worked for. How you all encouraged a different way of thinking for the actual HIRING of underrepresented groups?

10:23:44 >> From  Rachael Flores : And there are 100+ HBCUs….think beyond, Howard, Spelman, Morehouse….Handshake might be a good way to tap into several

10:23:45 >> From  Sean Rehder : Stephanie….first thing I would do is show the numbers.  Meaning, show the diversity % as it moves through the hiring funnel….by Department, by Manager.  That can start the conversation at least.

10:24:31 >> From  Sean Rehder : Your % of Diversity at the top of the funnel should ideally be the same at the bottom (hires) of the funnel.

10:24:51 >> From  Stephanie Savitz : Sounds like I’m on the right track. Thanks, Sean!

10:25:32 >> From  Essence Dashtaray   to   All panelists : Educating teams and hiring managers on the benefits of having a diverse group- diversity of thought, etc.

10:26:09 >> From  Essence Dashtaray : Yes Sean! Educating teams and hiring managers on the benefits of having a diverse group- diversity of thought, etc.

10:27:03 >> From  Sean Rehder : If candidates are asking recruiters questions about diversity at a company during the recruiter phone screens…that message should be getting back to the managers.  Especially if the candidates are at targeted competitors.

10:27:13 >> From  Rachael Flores : yes, Christina! that’s what we’re trying to do! relationships matter and you’re right on the monetary piece….as well as ultimately convert to FTE roles

10:30:14 >> From  Belina Pignataro : handshake is the necessary evil I agree!!!

10:30:30 >> From  Essence Dashtaray : We tried to explore Handshake’s premium offering and the $ was WAY out of our budget

10:30:50 >> From  Rachael Flores : agree with the feedback on Handshake premium

10:30:59 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Spot on Christina

10:31:14 >> From  Angela Carr   to   All panelists : I have to drop but this was such a great conversation!  I look forward to watching the recording to pick up what I missed!

10:31:25 >> From  Kelly Barrena   to   All panelists : Will this session be available afterwards?

10:31:47 >> From  Tracey Anderson : I also think reviewing our Job Descriptions verbiage

10:31:58 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Your job descriptions

10:32:13 >> From  Monique Hunt   to   All panelists : Yes to all of this advice!!

10:32:56 >> From  Essence Dashtaray : We use an AI called Textio for JD’s. It helps eliminate any biases and gender preferred language. Highly recommend!

10:32:59 >> From  Catherine Hansen : @All, any tips for a startup with shoestring recruiting budget?

10:33:29 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Thanks Essence

10:34:29 >> From  Sean Rehder : shoestring budget? I recommend ConstantContact.com.  Cost is low, based upon size email lists, acts like a crm.  It’s build for small business but you can do a lot with it.

10:36:17 >> From  Christina Shareef : Reach out to Career Services to start!

10:37:00 >> From  Belina Pignataro : I like focusing on relationship building with head of departments and people in career center.  relationship building are effective and don’t break ur budget !!!

10:37:59 >> From  Catherine Hansen : “Not throwing coins, better have time” — love that!

10:38:12 >> From  Essence Dashtaray : Yes Belina!!!

10:38:57 >> From  Essence Dashtaray : Connecting w/ targeted clubs & orgs on campus has also been a huge win for us. Generally student-run and they are eager to connect w/ various organizations

10:39:21 >> From  Catherine Hansen : how critical is it to create an internship program at a startup to attract talent?

10:41:51 >> From  Daniella McDonald   to   All panelists : In one of my prior companies, our UR team partnered with professors and student groups in the areas they were trying to recruit candidates for rather than always trying to go to career fairs.

10:43:04 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Great point Conor

10:45:52 >> From  Christina Shareef : Twitter Talks:  announce to students that you’re going to be on campus and start a conversation

10:51:19 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Great panel today – THANK YOU!!

10:51:27 >> From  Ada Nunez : Thank you everyone!

10:51:30 >> From  Richard Sherman : Thank you all for your time!

10:51:30 >> From  Daniella McDonald   to   All panelists : Thank you everyone!

10:51:40 >> From  Jenny Truax : Thanks for the helpful insights/tips.

10:51:42 >> From  Monique Carroll : Thank you GREAT chat!

10:51:45 >> From  Tracey Anderson : Great Dialogue! Thank You

10:52:07 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Totally agree Christina!

10:52:13 >> From  Monique Hunt   to   All panelists : Thank you!! Great panel.

Some of the attendees…

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