Tactics of a Consultative Recruiter

Tactics of a Consultative Recruiter

For the most part, recruiting programs have shifted from being order takers to taking on a more consultative and strategic role at their companies.

In today’s round-table session, we talk through ways that recruiters can be “consultative” with their hiring managers and hiring teams.

Listen in on what our panelists have to say.

This event is part of the “Let’s Talk Recruiting” series where a panel of recruiting practitioners get together online and have a conversation on a variety of topics related to corporate recruiting.

Click to Play the Recording

Our Panelists…

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We asked our attendees, “What is one tactic that you use to be “consultative” to your hiring managers?”

Here are their answers:

Chat Messages from the Session…

10:10:51 >> From  Maureen Daly : What specific engineering is in demand right now in your company?

10:11:37 >> From  Catherine Hansen : @All, what do you say to a hiring manager who views recruiting as a service organization, vs a partner?   Common in startups

10:13:53 >> From  Steven Green   to   All panelists : How do you overcome hiring manager bias to only look at industry-specific talent vs. cross-industry?

10:16:25 >> From  Heidi Gorman : How do you all ensure that you are partnering with hiring managers in D&I strategic recruitment initiatives and efforts?

10:18:46 >> From  Steven Green : Have you offered or utilized specific developmental effort to ensure recruiters develop skills as true talent consultants?  What has worked best for you all?

10:18:51 >> From  Daniella McDonald : I think consultative also includes providing market data, insights about candidate pools, competition

10:20:05 >> From  Steven Green : Great idea on introducing market supply/demand data.  What data sources have been most credible and meaningful?

10:20:27 >> From  Destiny Quinn : I require a Kickoff Call to discuss the role – I do not call it an “Intake Meeting”, as we are not order-takers.

10:20:50 >> From  Thea Cassia   to   All panelists : @Steven Green – we use LinkedIn Talent Insights, but there are numerous platforms. Gartner has a data platform and so does Emsi.

10:21:02 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Yes, I have observed 1st yr departures due to poor on- boarding or role being poorly scoped/defined

10:21:07 >> From  richard ku   to   All panelists : CareerBuilder has a supply/demand tool you can use

10:21:31 >> From  Heidi Gorman : Intake calls are critical. Love that line, Destiny. Definitely not order takers. We are critical stakeholders/business partners and have a voice at the table, too.

10:21:38 >> From  richard ku   to   All panelists : SeekOut has another a different version where it shows you where the candidates are located based on your search criteria

10:21:39 >> From  Daniella McDonald : @Steven I have used LinkedIn. CareerBuilder used to have supply and demand data.

10:22:20 >> From  Destiny Quinn : I let my HMs know that I will “go to market” with the HM’s requests – then I will meet with them by end of the week and showing them that “purple squirrel” they want for not enough $$ isn’t realistic but here’s what you need to pay should you want that skillset.

10:22:46 >> From  Steven Green : Thanks, Daniella.

10:23:48 >> From  Destiny Quinn : I also show them market data on the other profiles that might be closer to fit their budget and that we may need to tweak their requirements.

10:28:39 >> From  Steven Green : As a successful practice:  Did LinkedIn Lunch and Learns for busy manager groups, showing how they could leverage their networks to assist in supporting pipelining for skilled talent (cold and warm leads).  Also reinforced why their participation in the pipelining effort was essential (not just for recruiters).

10:30:02 >> From  Jessica Marotta : +1 “street cred”

10:30:16 >> From  Destiny Quinn : I love that @Katherine!

10:30:57 >> From  Jessica Marotta : GO Katherine!

10:30:58 >> From  Catherine Hansen : Yay Katherine

10:31:04 >> From  Heidi Gorman : Good for you, @Katherine! Advocating for yourself but also showing value proposition

10:32:21 >> From  Destiny Quinn : What makes this a great career move?

10:33:15 >> From  Steven Green : Good advice, Katherine!

10:34:01 >> From  Destiny Quinn : Exactly Katherine!

10:34:56 >> From  Antoinette Williams : that’s how i train recruiters.

10:35:08 >> From  Jessica Shew : We have our TAs at the more senior level mentor the less experienced TAs

10:35:10 >> From  Daniella McDonald : Being a partner with hiring managers is consultative. It’s their job to hire, recruiters are support.

10:43:47 >> From  Jessica Shew : For high profile roles, we will do Post mortem


10:44:18 >> From  Mary-Ellen Messer : I like to talk about that during the initial “intake” meeting and ask the Hiring Managers what could have been done better the last time you were recruiting for this position.

10:56:06 >> From  Mikaela Moore   to   All panelists : That’s great!!

10:56:25 >> From  Dan Shortall : That is an excellent point Sean Rehder- face time is key!

10:57:19 >> From  Maureen Daly : In the kick off call, I ask the HM their preference  on how to communicate.

10:57:37 >> From  Daniella McDonald : Great topic and conversation today. Thank you to everyone!

10:57:40 >> From  Maalikah Yorke : This was great information! Thank you!

10:57:41 >> From  Jessica Marotta : Such a great conversation! Thank you everyone!

10:57:44 >> From  Heidi Gorman : Virtual recruitment is here to stay. Thank you all for your wonderful feedback and input.

10:57:46 >> From  Maureen Daly : Thanks everyone!

10:57:52 >> From  Stacey Kramer : Great info – thanks everyone!

10:58:07 >> From  John Merciadez : Any good resources for an ‘interview playbook’ for interview teams and HM’s?

10:58:24 >> From  Guiti Nabavi   to   All panelists : Sorry missed something.. what was green belt?

10:59:23 >> From  Katherine Dahlke   to   Guiti Nabavi and all panelists : Six Sigma Green Belt – got certified to gain credibility with the business

10:59:48 >> From  Guiti Nabavi   to   All panelists : Thanks 🙂

11:00:20 >> From  Susandhya Narayani   to   All panelists : Very insightful session! Thanks everyone

Some of the attendees…

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